Summer in Europe… Surprisingly very enjoyable! At least as long as we are visiting friends and families, going on festivals and holidays or simply hanging out in Berlin – a very suitable place to do so by the way. Unfortunately, even in Berlin, there are also bills to be paid. As we don’t like to jump into cold (and murky) waters, we kept ourselves busy with some work for our favourite German NGO, PowerShift, and the European trade network: Seattle To Brussels (S2B network).

Videos for you

Writing, networking and lobbying for alternatives in trade, investment, and raw materials policies kept Nicki from working further on our website. But Yoeri has put together some wacky weirdness of the Philippines for you, after finishing the three clips for STENAPA, St. Eustatius National Parks. Enjoy these clips and hopefully many more to come on our youtube.

Our side project: The ISDS files

In case you are not only caring about the underwater world and its beauties, maybe even feel like sticking your nose in some dirty policy business and corporate power play, take a look at our side project: The ISDS Files.

Rote Punkte auf einer Weltkarte zeigen an, über welche ISDS-Fälle in den "The ISDS Files" gesprochen wird.

“ISDS is a mechanism engraved in (bilateral) investment treaties or an investment chapter of trade agreements which allows multinational corporations to sue governments in ad hoc tribunals. It is an extrajudicial system with special privileges and rights just for one class: Foreign investors, giving them more power relatively to citizens and governments. The implications of this system are really dangerous as well as a pretty costly affaire for governments and ultimately taxpayers. All sorts of public policies are under attack around the world as our little selection of ISDS files is showing. And this is merely the tip of the iceberg.”


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