We connect. We protect. We transform. Change starts within. Same as exploring, understanding, and transforming the outer world, this is a never-ending journey. Luckily, we don’t walk – or dive – alone.
Over the last months, we started to reach out to other ocean lovers and enthusiastic activists. Hence, it’s a good time to reflect on some ideas and organisations we are connected to in one way or another. Older bonds are going back as far as Nicola’s pre-aquatic life …
Connect and protect
We promote projects, places, people, and products we believe in. We support NGOs, like STENAPA (St Eustatius National Parks Foundation) or PowerShift e.V., social movements like attac or the Seattle2Brussels network (The ISDS files) as well as agencies or institutions, e.g. Juicy Media, that are aligned with our vision, mission, and philosophy. We volunteer at the local animal shelter and help with adoptions.
We are spreading knowledge, piquing interest, creating awareness, and thinking of solutions as our world resources are endless and we are rather careless with what is taken, produced, and discarded. To not get lost in negativity we highlight the beauty in nature that always exists and is worth fighting for. Everything is connected. There is so much out there that we don’t know yet. Or we don’t understand yet. But one thing is for sure, we are part of nature – no matter where we live and what we do.
Very best friends club
So far, we are members, not as Devocean Pictures but as a private person or family, of
- attac Deutschland
- BUND Friends of the Earth Germany
- Mehr Demokratie
- philippinenbüro
- PowerShift >>> From „Holz aus Afrika für warme Stuben in Berlin“ to „Alles für uns!? Der globale Einfluss der europäischen Handels- und Investitionspolitik auf Rohstoffausbeutung“ and much more
- Schutzwald
- Sharkproject
- ver.di
However, we also introduce ideas and campaigns of others in our blogs Dive, travel, connect & protect, and Abgetaucht as well as on social media to fuel transformation on all levels. The more the merrier.
Ready for more: Outreach and networking
We are looking forward to intensifying visibility and general awareness of the great work of a whole bundle of people, projects, and products over the following months and years.
Our new organisational discoveries are Deepwave, Ozeanien-Dialog, and Nepada Wildlife to just name a few. We are looking forward to presenting their work and vision as well as other initiatives and stories to inspire the transformation of our inner as well as outer world. In addition to this website, we post regularly on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Besides, we feed our YouTube Channel.
Together we change our world
Take a look, read, watch, and contact us to get more information or share your vision, ideas, or projects with us. Let’s connect and protect to transform the world.
Connect and protect to transform our world: What’s where on our website (25th March 2021)
From ideas to campaigns and beyond in our stories
„Take a Minute to Fly: Fort Bourtange“ a community restoration project
„Dive into coral reef protection„: Wakatobi Dive Resort in times of corona – in German: Unter Schutz stellen (ganz ohne Corona)
„Rubbish wave: Looking for solutions for small islands“ with Indonesian and International Waste Platform, NAZAVA, Recykal, Reef Check Malaysia, Precious Plastic, Break free from plastic, GAIA, Plastic Collective, Togian Conservation Foundation, Clean River Project, Hygge Podcast, STENAPA
„Beyond face masks: Let’s show some solidarity“ with LabourNet and others to show social and economic injustice – in German: Hauptsache weg: Reisen in Zeiten von Corona
„Ask to refill: Water is life“: Dopper, Refill Ambassadors, Refill Bali, Rebowl, Recup, Unverpackt-Läden, and Zero Waste Bali
„Why breathing is your superpower“ with yogic advice Anna Elisabeth Röcker, also in German „Alles Yoga, oder was?„
„Pictures as cards: Thoughts, quotes and affirmations“ with Laura Malina Seiler and Louise Hay
„Keep your plastic and clean up the rest“ together with Trash Hero
„A walk from S Sonnenallee to U Kottbusser Tor in Berlin: Memories and discoveries“ sustainable choices in town
„Where is the European Juicy Media?“ At least we can laugh and support 350 Australia „Adani mine proposal fails again“ and #stopadani
„Out of sight, out of mind: Plastic waste isn’t recycled (yet)“ with the two online campaigns by Greenpeace Protect the oceans and by Avaaz Stop dumping plastic in paradise
„Plastic Planet: Minimising plastic pollution“ is featuring „The Story of Stuff Project“
„My arrival in Indonesia: Dig or dive“ featuring the work of PowerShift and London Mining Network, German reference in „Bali: Mein Stück des Himmels„
„Our side project: The ISDS Files“ with PowerShift and the Seatle2Brussels Network
Sustainable lifestyle and travel destinations
„Why less is more: Starting with DIY care products„: introducing books and recipes Smarticular ordered via Ocean Heroes
„Dutch wintry landscape: Ice-capades“ Ice-skating on a Dutch lake, Zuidlaarder Meer at Meerwijck in the province of Groningen, The Netherlands. An extended version in German
„Take a Minute XI: The reefs of Wakatobi“ is all about the “Collaborative Reef Protection Program” of Wakatobi Dive Resort
„Indonesia: Sulawesi Splendour“ full-on visual meditation
„Panoramic views in the Giant Mountains“ just hiking along the border of Poland and the Czech Republic
„Heligoland: An island recovery“ some history on this German island and wildlife, of course
„We love Drenthe“ and bring some impressions to you
„Where are you going?“ To Komodo by any chance? Visit Uber Scuba
„Stay wild: Tourist attractions and beauty of nature“ with a black list of animal attractions by World Animal Protection
„Living sustainably: We are no saints“ with a list of ideas and some personal black spots: atmosfair, Dopper, Utopia, ooshi
„St. Eustatius, Caribbean Netherlands“ our treasure island
„Long Island: India“ visit the Andaman Islands
„The reefs of the Visayas“ pure in-water visuals, also here
Other sources and references
Information on marine life and diving: diving magazines such as SportDiver, Tauchen, Unterwasser (merged with Tauchen at the end of 2020), Dive Magazine, …
But also, the Britannica and Wikipedia guide our way through the underwater realm.
With Research Gate you can dive deeper into many topics while iNaturalist connects finds with pictures to actual diving spots.
Also, Seeunseen offers quite a collection of marine life.
German connections
Hier werden nur die Beiträge gelistet, die Verknüpfungen zu anderen schaffen, wobei eine Reihe bereits weiter oben genannt wurde und nicht hier nicht noch einmal aufgeführt wird. Alle Beiträge haben einen Reisebezug. Zusammenfassend führt „Im Rhythmus der Tropen“ durch unsere Inselparadiese und ihre Abgründe.
„Die kleinen Freuden des Tages und der Weg des Lebens“ werden unterstützt durch Yvonne Adamek und den Podcast „Ideen für eine bessere Welt“ des Magazins Hygge, Bettina Schuler, Yogalehrerin und Gründerin von Citizen2be sowie der Plattform story.one.
„Nach Gefühl: Im Wasser neue Wege beschreiten“ erzählt kurz wie das Jakarta Animal Aid Network in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project Delfine rettet.
„Visaverlängerung: Service mit Hindernissen“ nimmt auf den Artikel: “The Unbearable Whiteness Of Tourism. Tourism is colonialism with tips.” von Indi Samarajiva Bezug.
„Wie ich zum Tauchen kam“ und was die Menschen bei WEED e. V. so machen.
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