Our next candidate of the group of ambush predators presented in “They got the look” is the devil scorpionfish a.k.a. false stonefish presenting its sinister style with venom. In general, we don’t think it is very nice to call somebody or something false. This fish is pretty real and has […]
WeiterlesenEntries with photos land & underwater
This category brings together all blog entries featuring photos taken either on land or underwater. Sometimes it is a mix of both. Some blog posts focus more on the stories behind and around while others are mainly photo galleries. Dive into different areas, themes, and styles. Photography is what you make of it!
Let’s talk scientifically! Pictures and marine ID
Over the last weeks, we posted pictures with scientific explanations on classifications of marine life on Instagram and Facebook. As not everybody is (regularly) on social media, I am happily putting it all together in one post now: Let’s talk scientific! Let’s talk scientific! Tiger cowrie When looking only at the […]
WeiterlesenKeep your plastic and clean up the rest
Plastic is on our minds. Every high tide leaves behind a line of plastic on the beach of Amed. Every heavy rain shower washes half-burned or openly collected rubbish from the settlements and streets into fields and streams, distributed by the wind, animals and more rain, eventually, most of it […]
WeiterlesenMuck diving: Schätze im Schlamm und Müll
Spielen im Schlamm ruft bei mir nicht nur freudige Kindheitserinnerungen wach, sondern wird mit mit „muck diving” gerade glücklich gelebt. Während die balinesischen Kinder lachend und kreischend in den riesigen Pfützen neben und auf der Straße herum planschen, legen wir dafür jedoch unsere Tauchausrüstung an, um nach Schätzen im Schlamm […]
WeiterlesenUnderwater carnival in Amed, Bali
It is Rose Monday: Alaaf! As that’s the expression, sort of hurray, that is used in the area around Cologne in Germany as well as Maastricht in the Netherlands, we stick to that regional greeting. Even though we are not big fans of the actual celebrations, we celebrated our very […]
WeiterlesenPictures as cards: Thoughts, quotes and affirmations
The collection „Warm regards“ keeps on growing and is featuring pictures that have been turned into cards (greeting cards, postcards or whatever else you’d like to call them) featuring my own words and thoughts as well as quotes and affirmations to inspire and reinforce positive thinking. Pictures as cards I: […]
WeiterlesenIm Rhythmus der Tropen
Dem frühen Vogel seien alle seine Würmer in der Morgenstund gegönnt, direkt nach dem Aufstehen ist mir weder nach Essen noch Goldsuche zumute. Morgens brauche ich meine Ruhe, um gut in den Tag zu starten. Dabei war mir die tatsächliche Uhrzeit lange Zeit ziemlich schnuppe. Wenn der Morgen graut Der […]
WeiterlesenWaspfish: Punk’s not dead
A warm welcome for the next members of the ambush predators: They got the look. The cackatoo and white face waspfish are the living proof that punk’s not dead, just in hiding, waiting for the right moment to make a move. Having difficulties getting out of bed during the day, in combination with […]
WeiterlesenDie Magie des Oktopus und die Faszination Manta
Ich liebe das Meer und all seine Bewohner. In diesem Sinne versuche ich jeden Tauchgang unvoreingenommen zu beginnen, mich einfach auf das zu freuen, was wohl kommen mag, um mit offenen Augen auch die Schönheit und das fotografische Potential der vermeintlich gängigen Unterwasserlebewesen wertzuschätzen. Doch natürlich gibt es Kandidaten, die […]
WeiterlesenLeaf scorpionfish: Elegant and timeless
Leaf scorpionfish (Taenianotus triacanthus), also called paperfish, are the most elegant of all the ambush predators. Not only are they dressed in classical colours, such as black, red, yellow and white, but they also show up in tints of pink, green, brown or ochre. All of them work with dark […]