We love Statia. In this article, we‘d like to give a first impression of why it is so well worth paying Sint Eustatius, a small Dutch Caribbean island, a visit: Go Statia! There is a lot to tell. Hence, this article is meant as a first overview and links important […]
WeiterlesenArticles by: Nijae
Spring to action: Vom Bild zur Karte mit Affirmation
Da ich es liebe, Karten zu versenden – und zu erhalten – , schaue ich mich immer gerne nach guten alten Postkarten um. Doch viel zu oft finde ich leider nicht, was ich suche, und schreite daher selbst zur Tat. „Spring to action: Vom Bild zur Karte mit Affirmation“ zeigt eine Auswahl […]
WeiterlesenWhy less is more: Starting with DIY care products
Maybe it seems odd to start this series why less is more with a Do-it-yourself (DIY) process and even more so to focus on care products. But I have to start somewhere – and yes, I really have to. I really feel it is time to work on transformation on […]
WeiterlesenTake a Minute to Relax XXIX: Nudibranchs
In this minute of visual meditation, we would like to take a minute to relax and focus on nudibranchs in general instead of going into the specifics of the two species filmed in the waters of Bali (Indonesia). Divers lovingly call them nudis, short for nudibranchs, which makes them even […]
WeiterlesenIm Bann der Jahreszeiten: Raus, wenn du kannst
Raus, wenn du kannst, hat uns in doppelter Hinsicht durch diesen Winter getragen. Im Bann der Jahreszeiten diente es uns als vage Hoffnung auf eine wohligere Zukunft, doch wichtiger war sicher die nähere Umgebung zu erkunden, damit wir während dieses Wartens nicht durchgedreht sind. Jedenfalls noch nicht. Immer mal wieder […]
WeiterlesenGolden Sweeper: Parapriacanthus ransonneti
In this minute of relaxation, we would like to mesmerize you with the incredible collective performance of these small, but very interesting reef fish: Golden Sweeper or Parapriacanthus ransonneti. At first glance, Parapriacanthus ransonneti is just an unremarkable small reef fish that goes by many different names, depending on the […]
WeiterlesenFly over the moores of Drenthe, Netherlands
In this relaxing minute up in the air, we invite you to fly with us over moores during sunset in Drenthe a beautiful province of the Netherlands. This province is located in the North-East of the Netherlands, at the borders of the province of Groningen in the North, Germany in […]
WeiterlesenConnect and protect to transform our world
We connect. We protect. We transform. Change starts within. Same as exploring, understanding, and transforming the outer world, this is a never-ending journey. Luckily, we don’t walk – or dive – alone. Over the last months, we started to reach out to other ocean lovers and enthusiastic activists. Hence, it’s […]
WeiterlesenBigeye Trevally: Caranx sexfasciatus
In this episode of underwater relaxation, we would like to become a part of this immense living silver cloud, and simply go with the flow: Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus). A school of fish this size can literally block out the sun. These Bigeye trevallies (Caranx sexfasciatus) have come together in […]
WeiterlesenRichtig Stimmung unter dem Gefrierpunkt
Gerade liegen die Temperaturen zwar eindeutig über Null, doch der Sturm und Regen lässt unsere Stimmung in ungeahnte Tiefen sinken. Irgendwie schafft es das nasse Regenwetter sogar, dass sich alles kälter anfühlt als mit Eis und Schnee. Vor vier Wochen sah die Welt noch ganz anders aus. Da war richtig […]