Storytelling fascinated me already early on in life. Fantasy or real, written and in pictures. Travelling opened up new horizons and stays one of my inspirations, especially nature, but also human traces therein. I use pictures to illustrate my writing and vice versa. Here are some of my current writing projects as well as an overview of the publicly available pieces (blogs, articles, policy briefings, publications, papers) that were published throughout the years. - Nicola Jaeger

Current writing projects
I am fortunate to write regular pieces for blogs and social media channels like St. Eustatius Tourism Development Foundation, St. Eustatius Animal Welfare Foundation, us and more.
The Dutch COLUMN - Bericht uit St. Eustatius, published every six weeks on Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties, finished in December 2023.
Our blogs
Our English blog Dive, travel, connect & protect presents photos, videos, experiences, research, opinions, and ideas from Devocean Pictures as well as fellow ocean, animal, and nature lovers and like-minded initiatives, movements, and NGOs. Our stories are meant to take you out into the world as well as bring the world and its (natural) wonders back to all of us. Let's dive into unknown territory and broaden our horizons.
In this blog, we document and analyse ecological, economic, political, and social problems and patterns to be able to pick and promote alternatives. We present people, projects, products, and possibilities to inspire change: live, love, and learn from one another. Life is a constant search, a never-ending journey. Our actions affect others and impact the world. Transformation is possible to protect us on our blue planet.
Stories in our second blog Abgetaucht are particularly reflecting on those topics. Abgetaucht is the only part of the website in German and the blog paints a personal picture of the weird and wonderful world, mixing observations and anecdotes of life, sometimes illustrated by pictures, ranging from diving, photography, travelling, personal growth, hopes, dreams, and all the rest of life. Abgetaucht stands for submerged as well as being in hiding.
Both blogs are fuelled by our passion, but our mission doesn’t come without detours, mishaps, and constant challenges and we also like to point those out. After all, life is also a constant learning process.
Published writing projects
A collection of those pieces that are publicly available to showcase writing from (blog) articles via policy briefings and political analysis to publications and research papers.
Statia’s gateways to the world, editorial, Nicola Jaeger, June 2023
Discover Statia: Hiking the Quill Trail from Rosemary Lane into the National Park, Nicola Jaeger, STDF, Statia, June 2023.
The WOW Effect: A day in the life of an Ambassador, Nicola Jaeger, May 2023
Discover Statia: From Lower Town Oranjestad up to the Quill National Park, Nicola Jaeger, STDF, Statia, April 2023.
Alles für uns!? Der globale Einfluss der europäischen Handels- und Investitionspolitik auf Rohstoffausbeutung, Nicola Jaeger, PowerShift e.V., Berlin 2016.
Fair Fuels? Working Papers; Danker, Hans-Christian; Dietz, Kristina; Jaeger, Nicola; Thomas,Wiebke (2013): Die Globalisierung der Agrarkraftstoffe. Produktion, Handel und Akteure. Fair Fuels? Working Paper 7. Berlin
Saft für alle! Energiearmut überwinden – Erneuerbare Energien solidarisch produzieren, Nicola Jaeger, PowerShift e.V., Berlin 2012.
Rohstoffrausch - Die Auswirkungen von Bergbau in den Philippinen, chapters by Heidi Feldt (Global Policy Forum); Nicola Jaeger (PowerShift); Elisabeth Strohscheidt (Misereor); Mario Maderazo (Philippine Misereor Partnership); Daniel Böhme (Barkadas); Romel de Vera (LRC/KSK – Friends of the Earth Philippines) und Michael Reckordt (philippinenbüro), philippinenbüro and Asienhaus; Essen 2011.
Ran an den Stoff! Wie die EU Handels- und Rohstoffpolitik Entwicklung untergraebt, Nicola Jaeger, Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung - Rundbrief 4/2010, Berlin.
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – (ab)used by Germany? Deutsche CDM-Projekte und staatliche Steuerung der Projektnutzung – Master thesis by Nicola Jaeger, Berlin 2010.