Nicola's underwater photography: Pictures and stories with a personal view, a particular focus, and a political perspective. This part of the website is reserved for photographs taken underwater (see photography for more info).

My underwater photography: Pictures and stories

I love composition and creative angles - and, of course, storytelling and with room for interpretations.  My underwater photography aims to open hearts and create interest in exploring new horizons – physically or virtually. My photos support my writing and vice versa; both are rooted in the desire to create awareness for the beauty and weirdness of our (underwater) world, introducing species and their habitats as well as destinations, piquing interest in diving and the protection of fragile ecosystems, highlighting connections within these systems and impacts by humans. We form nature, yet we are part of it.

Discover the ocean

Dive into reef life. We are trying to have all our facts on marine life correct. Even though we studied the underwater world for many years with great interest, we are not marine scientists. If you notice any mistakes, please contact us at or via Instagram or Facebook. We are more than happy to update our website, learn and grow together.

Ambush predators

They got the look

An ode to reef life

7 pictures with 7 lines

Savvy softies

Octopus, cuttlefish and squid

Let's talk scientific

Pictures and marine ID


Everybody's darling

UW carnival

1st photo collection from Bali

Theme galleries

The ever-growing photo collections Warm regards and Art by nature feature underwater pictures and stories.
Waves of energy is a photo series looking at the big picture and presenting it in detailed photography. After all, everything is connected.

Waves of energy

Photo series

Warm regards

Postcards to the world

Art by nature

Shapes, colours and patterns

My long way to underwater photography cut short

Me and my cameras have not always lived in perfect harmony. I love diving and find it very relaxing. Why add another activity on top? After initial struggles and a longer break, I started with a new mind-set. Frustrations and challenges are an opportunity to practise and grow. I am ready to learn from others and understand that there will be always room to improve - same as with diving and many other skills in life.

Most importantly, taking pictures underwater is feeling joy- and playful. Sometimes, when I am not very fixated on a particular result, I even find peace. My passion keeps growing. Interestingly, underwater photography works therapeutically for others as well. The full story of "My long way to underwater photography" is published as a blog entry.

Stories with pictures on land and underwater and about (underwater) photography

Komodo Dragon spread out in front of the ranger station on Rinca Island in Komodo (Indonesia).

End of the year

By Nijae / 30. Dezember 2015
Hawksbill Turtle swimming over coral reef in St. Eustatius marine park

Because it’s more fun together

By Nijae / 27. August 2015