Devocean Pictures offers creative content development: (Visual) storytelling to open hearts and minds. Our services range from filming and photography via writing and translating to guiding. As every project is different, we work out individual quotes based on the requirements and complexity of each job. Contact us for your tailor-made content and high-quality service (packages).

Final costs depend on a multitude of factors. This is only one of the reasons, we discuss each project in detail with our clients. In order to ensure the best results and satisfied customers, we figure out expectations and wishes. What is the goal? Who do you want to reach? How can we phrase the message? Which format, length, and (visual) concept supports the story? The more we know and understand about the background and purpose of a project, the better we develop a creative vision that brings the story alive and gets the most out of every order.
Our services: Filming, photography, writing, and more
You can hire us to photograph or film your event, activity, or island visit. We can combine land, underwater, and aerial services and add post-production to meet your wishes and budget.
With editing and post-production, we offer more than filming. Discover our storytelling in Our portfolio: Film. We enjoy developing a story from beginning to end. Based on the objectives of our clients, we edit to music only, add text overlays and transitions, or incorporate interviews and voice-overs.
We also sell separate shots or packages of footage for film work. In 2023, we helped the Prince Bernard Foundation and NOS Nederland with footage for their productions. You don't need to browse through our material: Just send us a request. Then, we check what we have in stock for you or if we can get out to film what you have in mind to improve your film project.

Photography has many angles: Our services include (creating) stock footage or a (company) portfolio, making lasting memories of private or public events, capturing the character of destinations, resorts, or other company representations, and creative storytelling for online and offline media and materials. Our portfolio: Photography shows current and former work.
We present a wide selection of writing ranging from blog entries and social media content via news articles and editorials to publications and scriptwriting. Browse through Our portfolio: Writing to see if we are the right choice to bring your story to life.
As an extra, we offer Translations within our other services (English - German - Dutch). This includes guiding in multiple languages, creating subtitles for video productions, translating and proofreading any written text as well as simultaneous translation at conferences and events. We translate the website and outreach material of Wakatobi Dive Resort and their liveaboard Pelagian from English to German regularly. In our experience, skilled experts are often better equipped for a job than certified translators or interpreters unfamiliar with a topic, its particular terminology, and concepts. We are happy to hear from you and discuss how we can improve your projects and products.

Guiding underwater: Our philosophy – in diving or in life – is to do everything with love and devotion. When diving, we experience nature all around us and peace within us. The ocean makes us feel at home and whole. Our diving deluxe is sensual as well as educational and highly recommended by guests from around the world.
Guiding in water and on land: From August 2023, we expanded our services on Statia and gave islanders and visitors alike the unique opportunity to plan and book their personalised island exploration with us. These guided island excursions were designed for anybody interested in photography and filmmaking while diving into the nature and history of St. Eustatius (Go Statia! Why visit the Dutch Caribbean island). In 2024, we shift our focus to other geographical areas.
How we stand out
Throughout our services, we specialised in nature, travel, history, socio-economic and ecological challenges and solutions as well as events. Be it on land, in the air, and/or underwater. Whenever possible, we take characters (humans and animals alike) with their special abilities, oddities, and personal perspectives into the centre of our stories. Our own stories and background are described in About us.
What do you envision? Which message do you want to bring into the world? As active listeners, we customise our approach and services to meet the needs of our clients while bringing in our expertise and adding value with open and creative minds. Over the years, we have proven to understand and structure topics and requests better than most.
Preparation and organisation are essential. However, we really shine when things don't go according to plan. Effortlessly, we assess, adapt, and apply creative solutions which, in the end, might turn out to be that X factor setting a production or publication apart.
Everyone loves the cinematography and the message. It comes across even without the words.
Everything Devocean does, comes from devotion to, and respect for, life in all its forms. Aided, of course, by bucket-loads of skill and talent.