Entries with photos land & underwater

This category brings together all blog entries featuring photos taken either on land or underwater. Sometimes it is a mix of both. Some blog posts focus more on the stories behind and around while others are mainly photo galleries. Dive into different areas, themes, and styles. Photography is what you make of it!

Underwater close-up of an encrusting sponge: Orange with veins and opening (pore) in the centre. Prepared as postcard "Ich fühle" and logo of Devocean Pictures.

Unter Schutz stellen

Auch wenn uns in Wakatobi nach Komodo die geliebten Mantas fehlten und Haie zu seltenen Gästen wurden, denken wir weiterhin voller Liebe und Dankbarkeit an die Vielfalt und das Leben an den Riffen. Korallenriffe sind komplexe Ökosysteme, die wir nicht nur um ihrer selbst Willen unter Schutz stellen sollten. Neben […]

Hummingbird bobtail squid (Euprymna berryi), also known as Berry's bobtail squids is half buried in the dark sand of Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Shiny body in blue and green metallic with black spots with yellow to golden around the visible left eye.

Squids: Upside down and fast backwards

Squids can swim upside down and fast backwards to get away from it all. These cephalopods range from pygmy squids of 10-16 millimetres to giant squids of more than 10 meters. As a member of the „Savvy softies: Octopus, cuttlefish and squid“ they are highly intelligent invertebrates. Upside down Squid […]

Side portrait of red painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus) itting next to algae - photographed at Lipah Beach (Bunutan, Bali, Indonesia)

Frogfish: The odd one out

Frogfish, a.k.a. anglerfish, are part of the weird and wide group of ambush predators (They got the look). Somehow frogfishes stand out turning them into the all-time favourites of divers and underwater photographers. Some call them ugly, we find them fascinating for many reasons. Frogfish: The odd one out, having brought the […]

Underwater macro shot of Goniobranchus geometricus (black and white with little blue-grey and yellow tips of rhinophores and gills) lifting its head while sitting on a solitary gold-mouth tunicate (Polycarpa aurata) in orange, purple and white.

Entwicklung in Zeit und Raum: Trauern mit Fotografie

Der Tod gehört zum Leben. Wir alle wissen das, schaffen es aber immer wieder, diese Tatsache meisterhaft zu verdrängen, bis es einen Menschen trifft, den wir lieben. Ich fühlte mich anschließend lange verloren in Zeit und Raum, abgetrennt von mir selbst und meiner Entwicklung. Doch das Leben bleibt nicht plötzlich […]
