
Screenshot of the video of a Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera elegans), a juvenile shrimp. Harlequin shrimp are white to light pink in colour, with splashes of bright coloured spots on their entire body, usually red, purple, orange, and blue. Despite their relatively small size, they have few natural predators. This is thanks to their markings and colouration. Like on land, in the ocean bright patterns are a red flag to predators of toxicity. In addition, their colouration serves as a wonderful camouflage when moving along a coral reef, mimicking the bright lights and shadows produced by the overhead sun.

Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera elegans)

Happy new start of „Take a Minute to Relax“ in 2021 with some visual meditation: Meet the harlequin shrimp (hymenocera elegans). Origin of Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera elegans) In this first minute of relaxation of the new year, we’d like to focus your attention on this gorgeous, but voracious little hunter. […]

screenshot of video take a minute to relax: Primovula roseomaculata, also known as a Soft coral cowrie, Allied Cowrie, or False Cowrie, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Ovulidae. Just 1,5 centrimetre this cowrie is white with spikes on the mantle and a net of pink in between.

Soft coral cowrie (Primovula roseomaculata)

In this episode of underwater relaxation, we would like to introduce you to this beautiful little Xmas creature that is dressed for the occasion. Primovula roseomaculata, also known as a Soft coral cowrie, Allied Cowrie, or False Cowrie, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusc in the […]

Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) , also known as the “coconut octopus” and “veined octopus”, is a medium-sized cephalopod belonging to the genus Amphioctopus.

Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus)

In this minute of relaxation, we invite you to look deep into the eyes of this beautiful creature and let it take you on a journey through time and space. Amphioctopus marginatus, also known as the “coconut octopus” and “veined octopus”, is a medium-sized cephalopod belonging to the genus Amphioctopus. […]

Screenshot of "Take a Minnute to Relax": Yellow pygmy goby (Lubricogobius exiguus), a member of the family of Gobiidae. Small bright yellow goby living in a plastic bottle in Lembeh, Indonesia.

Yellow pygmy goby (Lubricogobius exiguus)

The star of this week’s episode of “Take a Minute to Relax” goes by many names, of which „Yellow pygmy goby“ (Lubricogobius exiguus) is just one. Since the name so perfectly describes this creature, I could’ve probably just left that … But see for yourself: Yellow pygmy goby (Lubricogobius exiguus) […]

Screenshot from "Take a Minute to Relax": curious-looking sea creature digging in the sand, named the Moon-headed sidegill slug (Euselenops luniceps). sea slug, a pleurobranchomorph gastropod mollusc in the family Pleurobranchaeidae. This family of sea slugs is known as "side-gilled slugs" since they have their gills hidden on the right side of the body under the mantle (the body edge). The body is light brown or beige with white hairs around the edges and dark brown irregular spots all over the body.

Moon-headed sidegill slug (Euselenops luniceps)

In this minute of relaxation, we’d like to focus your attention on a curious-looking sea creature digging in the sand, named the “Moon-headed sidegill slug” (Euselenops luniceps). We hope you’ll enjoy your minute with this weird and wonderful creature … Watch the dark side of the moon: Euselenops luniceps Euselenops […]


Halimeda ghost pipefish (Solenostomus halimeda)

The guest star in this minute of visual meditation is the Halimeda ghost pipefish (Solenostomus halimeda). Just take a minute to admire its camouflage. Halimeda ghost pipefish (Solenostomus halimeda) The name of this creature is derived from the Greek words soleno, meaning tube-like, and stoma, meaning mouth. Whereas the word […]

Screenshot taken from a video of the series "Take a minute to relax" showing a trumpetfish (Aulostomus chinesis) hanging out in a reddish fan corals with its white polyps out. The fan coral has multiple layers and is sitting on top of a coral bummie. Light blue background. Filmed in Amed, Bali, Indonesia, 2020.

Trumpetfish: Aulostomus chinesis

In this session of our visual meditation series, we’d like to bring the Trumpetfish, in this case, Aulostomus chinesis, to your attention. Their scientific name „Aulostomus“ is derived from the Greek words for flute (aulos), and mouth (stoma). Looking at the creature, one can sort of understanding how they got […]

Hummingbird bobtail squid (Euprymna berryi), also known as Berry's bobtail squids is half buried in the dark sand of Lembeh, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Shiny body in blue and green metallic with black spots with yellow to golden around the visible left eye.

Squids: Upside down and fast backwards

Squids can swim upside down and fast backwards to get away from it all. These cephalopods range from pygmy squids of 10-16 millimetres to giant squids of more than 10 meters. As a member of the „Savvy softies: Octopus, cuttlefish and squid“ they are highly intelligent invertebrates. Upside down Squid […]
