Articles by: Nijae

Screenshot from one of the movies forming the series Sulawesi Splendour underwater videos fimed in Lembeh and Wakatobi

Dive into the underwater wonderland of Sulawesi at home: Sulawesi Splendour

For all ocean addicts, explorers, nature lovers, and everybody else who has to stay at home due to the coronavirus and is perhaps longing for a refreshing dip in the ocean: Watch Sulawesi Splendour I-IV. All these creatures are out there waiting for us. Hopefully, when all this is over, instead […]

Underwater close-up (crop) of the eye of an devil scorpionfish (Wakatobi, Indonesia) showing how the camouflage continues of this ambush predator continues into the eye.

Let’s talk scientifically! Pictures and marine ID

Over the last weeks, we posted pictures with scientific explanations on classifications of marine life on Instagram and Facebook. As not everybody is (regularly) on social media, I am happily putting it all together in one post now: Let’s talk scientific! Let’s talk scientific! Tiger cowrie When looking only at the […]

The group of volunteers of Trash Hero Amed spreads out along the beach to clean up plastic Nicki with rice bag in hand on the right side. IN the back houses, trees, the sea and a clouded sky.

Keep your plastic and clean up the rest

Plastic is on our minds. Every high tide leaves behind a line of plastic on the beach of Amed. Every heavy rain shower washes half-burned or openly collected rubbish from the settlements and streets into fields and streams, distributed by the wind, animals and more rain, eventually, most of it […]

An elegant squat lobster (dark with white to yellow stripes), Allogalathea elegans, is balancing of the arm of a crinoid (also known as feather stars) to catch food in Amed, Bali.

Muck diving: Schätze im Schlamm und Müll

Spielen im Schlamm ruft bei mir nicht nur freudige Kindheitserinnerungen wach, sondern wird mit mit „muck diving” gerade glücklich gelebt. Während die balinesischen Kinder lachend und kreischend in den riesigen Pfützen neben und auf der Straße herum planschen, legen wir dafür jedoch unsere Tauchausrüstung an, um nach Schätzen im Schlamm […]
