In times of Covid-19, we’d like to focus on the positive side of things, using our time to prepare beautiful material and information from around the world and spread good news and positive vibration. This one is for all visitors that are still in Indonesia: emergency stay permits will be granted automatically and without any costs for tourists who have entered the country after the 5th of February (see conditions below).

Automated extension process of emergency stay permit for all tourists in Indonesia in times of Covid-19

Bali has become quiet, but for those foreign guests that are still in the country, Indonesia has announced generous and uncomplicated regulations. It is meant to simplify the visa process for tourists who cannot return to their country due to the Covid-19 outbreak, details below are quoted from

  1. Applicants do not need to come to the immigration office to apply.
  2. There are NO FINES.
  3. Valid only for foreigners who enter Indonesian territory after 5 February 2020.
  4. The Emergency Stay Permit is FREE OF CHARGE.

    For visitors who came to Bali or Indonesia before 5 February 2020, you can get help from our recommended visa agent that you can contact through email at:

Indonesia has to deal more often with catastrophes that prevent tourists from leaving the country in the time they get with their visas. In the more than four years we got to know and love the country there were several earthquakes and volcano eruptions, both of them leading to tsunamis and putting a hold on air travel in parts of the country. This time it might very well take longer. Over the last weeks, tourists lined up at the immigration offices in Indonesia already. Now that’s not necessary any more thanks to the simplified visa process (see above).

Indonesien flag at the back of a boat, ocean, sun and clouds.

An eye on Asia and Indonesia

On January 28th 2020 ASEAN published a post with information about all its member states which is updated daily. This way you get a broad overview of what’s happening with regards to political decisions as well as the outbreak and development of Covid-19 in the member states. The last important entries for Indonesia were:

  • The number of cases in the country rises to 1,046, amid 87 deaths. 46 patients have recovered.
  • A Garuda Indonesia flight arrived on Friday carrying 40 tons of health supplies from China. The supplies included personal protective equipment and rapid test kits and masks.
  • The Financial Services Authority (OJK) will extend loan payment deadlines for micro, small and medium enterprises for up to one year to counter the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new relaxation would apply to business loans worth up to 10 billion rupiah (US$619,118).
  • The government has completed the renovation of the former Athletes Village in Jakarta into a hospital for COVID-19 patients. The new hospital can treat as many as 22,000 patients.
  • Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has declared a state of emergency for the next two weeks in an effort to contain the pandemic. He urged all companies in the city to close their offices including entertainment venues.
  • Authorities launched rapid testing for the disease today in areas where there have been cases of the virus.
  • The President has told Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati to divert 40 trillion rupiah (US$2.7 billion) from the non-urgent government budget to increase spending in programs that could provide direct support to household consumption or increase people’s purchasing power.
  • Foreign visitors wishing to enter Indonesia must obtain a visa from Indonesian missions in accordance with the purpose of their visit and applicants must provide a health certificate issued by a relevant health authority from their respective countries.
  • Indonesia will suspend its visa exemption policy for all countries for one month and expand restrictions for people with a history of travel to some of the world’s countries hardest hit by the coronavirus. The suspension includes short-stay visits, visa-on-arrival and diplomatic visa-free facilities.

News for tourists on Bali publishes up-to-date information on the situation in Bali as well as on visa and travel information for Indonesia. Thank you very much for that!

There are special emergency numbers.
For Bali: 112 or 223333
For Indonesien: 119 ext. 9

Keep on Smiling: It’s contagious

This is a clip of our video series “Take a Minute”, inviting you to “Take a Minute” to relax and refresh your mind and soul with visual meditation. For this minute, Yoeri selects one long shot to allow you to fully focus on one creature, cultural site, land- or seascape. Enjoy video number 4 of the series (also on our youtube channel)


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Hopefully, these swinging garden eels put a smile on your face. A psychological study has shown that holding a smile during brief and acute periods of stress helps to reduce the body’s stress response, such as a higher heartbeat. For this effect to work the person doesn’t even have to feel happy, though we truly hope to smile in times of social distance actually contributes to everybody’s health and happiness. And the best: Smiling is contagious!

Bangkok 10-14.03.2020

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