Ihr geht auch noch in eurem Urlaub tauchen, war die verdutzte Nachfrage anderer Gäste auf Lembeh, einer kleinen Insel im Nordosten Sulawesis (Indonesien), wo wir uns für sieben Tage mit unserer Kameraausrüstung austoben konnten. Nachdem wir den Luxus genießen, unserer Leidenschaft fast tagtäglich nachzugehen und die Stunden, die wir unter […]
WeiterlesenEntries with photos land & underwater
This category brings together all blog entries featuring photos taken either on land or underwater. Sometimes it is a mix of both. Some blog posts focus more on the stories behind and around while others are mainly photo galleries. Dive into different areas, themes, and styles. Photography is what you make of it!
Website: Restart to connect and protect
This is the official restart of our website to live up to a part of our life mission: Connect and protect to transform the world (About us). The time is now Two and a half years of absence are coming to an end today. The main reason for not being […]
WeiterlesenIslands in the sky
The only way to explore the water world of Komodo Nationalpark: boat! But it’s more than just a way to travel. We enjoy the view of the islands in the sky before diving into the endless ocean and the sparkling sun on the water when getting back up after another […]
WeiterlesenWith happy regards from Komodo
A week ago raining season started in Labuan Bajo. Even though the land in all the Eastern parts of Indonesia badly needed the rain, it does have its downsides. Not only are the clouds blocking our precious sun, but it creates quite some runoff that together with rubbish is being […]
WeiterlesenSelamat tahun baru!
Happy ending and off to a good start. Nevertheless, we don’t know where 2016 is taking us. Therefore we keep our eyes open and follow our hearts: „Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there“. Enjoy the soundtrack (Incubus: Drive) and see you hopefully somewhere at some point in this year (Where […]
WeiterlesenEnd of the year
End of the year. And what a fantastic end it is: Mantas and dragons. We love Komodo!
WeiterlesenBecause it’s more fun together
Unfortunately, we don’t have the time to work on our website at the moment. So many things we wanna show you, write about, explore, connect and protect, … But other stuff is keeping us busy for now. Nevertheless, we are trying to use our Devocean Pictures Facebook page regularly. Please, […]