Articles by: Nijae


Out of sight, out of mind: Plastic waste isn’t recycled (yet)

Just because plastic waste is collected doesn’t mean it will get recycled. How shifting the meaning of recycling is blinding us to see the painful truth about our part in plastic pollution: Plastic rubbish travels the world already before it enters the oceans. Rubbish collection and neglection I’ve been living […]

Pressed and stacked PET bottles

Plastic Planet: Minimising plastic pollution

Indonesia’s garbage problem, community solutions to reduce plastic waste, legislation, and initiatives on production and use of plastic, behavioural changes and campaign pressure supported by NGOs and all of us who take action: Minimising plastic pollution. On our way back to Wakatobi last Monday we read about the problem of […]

View of mount Lokon from pagoda of Buddhist temple with pagoda and statue in Tomohon (Sulawesi, Indonesia)

Sich treiben lassen oder zwei Wasserratten in den Bergen

Ihr geht auch noch in eurem Urlaub tauchen, war die verdutzte Nachfrage anderer Gäste auf Lembeh, einer kleinen Insel im Nordosten Sulawesis (Indonesien), wo wir uns für sieben Tage mit unserer Kameraausrüstung austoben konnten. Nachdem wir den Luxus genießen, unserer Leidenschaft fast tagtäglich nachzugehen und die Stunden, die wir unter […]
