Ambush predators, also called sit-and-wait predators, are carnivorous animals that get to their meals by stealth or strategy rather than by speed or strength. Ambush predators sit and wait for prey, often from a concealed position and, in the case of our marine candidates here, concealing themselves by different methods of camouflage. They got more than their look going for them! Blending in has created some remarkable features, adding details and oddity to these creatures.
As one would expect from animals specialised to suck their prey in, the heads and in particular the mouths of ambush predators are quite large in comparison to their overall body size. By opening their mouth quickly, they create a sucking motion strong enough to catch and swallow their prey in one bite.
Some ambush predators, like the frogfish, even lure their prey closer which is called aggressive mimicry. Others, like scorpionfishes, add short and rapid movements to broaden their striking distance. All of these fashion monsters have one attitude in common: Whenever their prey comes close enough, they just suck it up.
They got that look in their eyes: Ambush predators

Fashion monsters in details: How they pull it off
All of these ambush predators are pretty proud of their appearance, after all, "They got the look". So admire the creatures in detail and read a little more about their lives of sitting, waiting, wishing:
Ambush predators perfecting their looks and specialising in sitting and waiting, lose some other skills as this giant frogfish is demonstrating nicely. There are more short clips dedicated to some of our fashionable creatures in the collection "Take a Minute to Relax".